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Activating youth saviors
LIFEXT NMN Nutritional Supplements

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The unique formula of β-NMN active material imported from Japan. It is important to know that there are two types of NMN, one is alpha type and the other is beta type. β-NMN is an active NMN, which can be absorbed and converted into NAD+ in the body.β-NMN is an active NMN, which can be absorbed and converted into NAD+ in the body. The purity of β-NMN is based on the NAD+ biosynthesis pathway in human. The purity of NMN is

more than 99% which is an excellent bio-conversion rate as its purity determines the body absorption rate and utilization of the supplements.

LIFEXT NMN Main Efficacy

Anti-aging Activate youth

In January 2021, the Institute of Medicine released the results of a human clinical trial, showing that more than 10 subjects being subjected to a 3-month trial. The results after 30 days showed that the subjects appear 7 years younger than their actual age. NMN supplementation was confirmed to be highly effective in delaying the symptoms of aging and restoring youthfulness.

Prevention of various geriatric diseases and protection of vision

On February 19, 2019, Shinkowa Japan released a clinical report on the benefits of a 24-week oral NMN in humans. The trial reported that longevity proteins were increased after long-term oral NMN administration in humans. There were no side effects, and it is assumed that various age-related diseases (e.g., common diseases of the elderly, cancer and dementia) can be improved or fully cured.

Lengthens and maintains telomere length

Lengthening telomeres can slow down the rate of aging. On November 29 2021, the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, published a thesis in Frontiers on Nutrition confirming that taking NMN extends telomere length in middle-aged men where there were nearly 1-fold of increase in telomere length observed in human volunteers after 90 days of taking NMN.

Repair cell DNA / Repair of cellular DNA
Characteristics of aging include DNA damage, scientists published in the scientific journal, NAD+ initiates DNA repair enzyme PARP to repair cellular and intracellular DNA and address the root cause of the disease, confirming that NMN directly affects self-healing and regeneration on a cellular level.
Promotes stem cell function

A research paper published in 2019 in the Nature sub journal showed that NMN assists inactivating stem cells in the body such as

a. Improving the function of mitochondria and stem cells to return youthful vitality to all body functions and prolong life span

b. Regulates mesenchymal stromal cells in aged bone marrow, thereby promoting osteogenesis and reducing adipogenesis.

c. Increase hematopoietic stem cell activity to accelerate hematopoiesis

d. Delay the aging of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

e. Rejuvenate aging adult intestinal stem cells

Reverse muscle aging and protect against radiation

NASA has awarded the discovery team the David Sinclair iTech Award for this product that can be used to improve muscle atrophy in astronauts (who lack exercise due to weightlessness) while protecting them from radiation.

Cerebrovascular protective effect

NMN has significant cerebrovascular protective effects and is able to treat/prevent neurovascular dysfunction and cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s disease, etc.) in elderly patients.

Helps in pregnancy

An enzyme that mediates NAD+ synthesis, NMNAT2 enzyme, by which NAD+ synthesis is protective of senescent oocytes, David Sinclair also mentioned that NMN also rejuvenates senescent oocytes, helping to improve fertility preparedness in women of advanced age.

Improve male sexual function

Boosts sex hormones to improve sexual function, enhances the kidney function, restores energy and stamina.


As we age, insulin resistance increases and glucose tolerance decreases. NMN improves the defective NAD+ biosynthesis in glucose metabolism and increases hepatic insulin sensitivity. NAD+-dependent protein deacetylases act as metabolic sensors and regulate downstream pathways to restore mitochondrial function and insulin sensitivity [14]. Yoshino (2011) showed that daily intake of NMN at 500 mg/kg body weight improved impaired glucose tolerance in diabetic mice. [3]


The study found that the number and density of capillaries were almost the same in aged mice with NMN as in young mice, and that muscle endurance could reach 80%.

Reversing vascular aging

Reversal of microRNA (miRNA) levels in aging blood vessels in mice results in rejuvenation of blood vessels and resistance to atherosclerosis.

Increase basal metabolism

Studies have shown that NMN can increase NAD+ levels, enhance cellular vitality, and improve the body’s metabolic capacity as if you were exercising while effectively preventing hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia.

Enhances muscle function and mobility

The University of Tokyo published a paper in Research Square on 2021/06/09 showing that oral administration of 250 mg of NMN daily to men over 65 years of age significantly increased their NAD+ levels and improved their muscle performance and exercise capacity.

Preventing Skin Photoaging

On June 12, 2021, a study published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology by the laboratory of DHC Corporation in Japan concluded that NMN protects skin cells from UV damage and prevents skin photoaging.

Boosts immunity and fights viruses and cancer

Published on September 27, 2021 in Biomedical Research, NMN effectively boosts the activity of immune cells NK cells, increasing the cells’ ability to naturally kill cancer cells without increasing the number of NK immune cells and boosting immunity to fight and prevent viral infections and cancer.

Prevention and improvement of COVID-19 virus sequelae

NMN has been scientifically and clinically proven to boost immunity and help improve symptoms in people infected with COVID-19 virus, and increasing NAD+ levels can enhance the immune response to COVID-19 infection.

Anti-alcohol and liver care

NMN is effective in the treatment of alcoholic fatty liver by increasing hepatic NAD+ levels, preventing ethanol-induced increases in ALT and AST through Atf3 and Erk1/2 signaling, and altering the expression of 25% of the genes regulated by ethanol metabolism.

Improve sleep and depressive behavior

1. NMN enhances the activity of NAD+ synthesis rate-limiting enzyme NAMPT and improves sleep. In two papers published in the Journal of Molecular Cell in 2020, NAD+ supplementation rejuvenates the biological clock and restores normal circadian rhythms through the SIRT1 dependence of core clock proteins and through PER2 nuclear translocation, which can adjust sleep in the elderly to a young adult state.

2. Taking NMN can increase the content of NAD+ in the body, the increase of NAD+ is good for improving the energy level of nerve cells, which can improve the vitality of dopamine cells, which is good for relieving the situation of reduced dopamine secretion and is good for improving depressive behavior and mood.

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Main ingredients


Japan import ≥99% purity patented NMN

Each contains 200mg of active NMN

No preservatives


Cavamax can help reduce or prevent gastrointestinal irritation and is anti-diabetic.


Stevioside is a natural sweetener extracted from stevia. Stevia has low calorie, good taste quality, stability, and is naturally sweet with sweetness extracted from plants, which is safe and non-toxic to human body, and also has the functions of lowering blood pressure, promoting metabolism, and treating excessive stomach acid, etc. It also has certain auxiliary effects on patients with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and dental caries. It is not involved in human metabolism, so it is very suitable for patients with diabetes, obesity and arteriosclerosis.

Direction for use
On average: 1 packet per day;
Accelerated health care: 2 or more packets per day,

the dosage can be increased according to your conditions.

There are no mandatory rules or requirements on when to take NMN, it can be taken before or after meals.

It is recommended to take NMN in the morning on an empty stomach or in the afternoon (i.e.after 1pm), or after eating if you have stomach allergies or problems.


NMN is a powdered product, tear open the package and pour it on the underside of the tongue.

*It is recommended to wait for NMN to dissolve completely before drinking water (warmwater/normal water is fine), as it can be absorbed faster by the body through the blood vesselsunder the tongue.

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NMN can be taken by people over 12 years of age, both men and women. however, children who are too young do not need to take it because they have high levels of NAD in their bodies and are not deficient in NMN

It can be taken during menstruation without suspension.

Natural health products can be taken together with NMN, while medications should be taken 2 hours apart.

It is recommended to drink coffee/alcohol 15 minutes after taking NMN.

Vegetarians can take NMN because it belongs to the category of B vitamin derivatives and is a substance that is already in the human body.

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Safety Certification

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LIFEXT NMN covers RM 1,000,000
product liability insurance
100% guarantee of product safety and reliability!

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